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EU Law Research Group

EU law is also Swedish law, which means that it also forms an important part of our teaching and research. The EU law research environment includes topics in labour law, constitutional law, human rights, migration law, competition law and environmental law. This means that the research environment has a variety of experts who can contribute knowledge in different areas of EU law. Nordic Journal of - 2025-01-09

Quality assurance and quality development of doctoral education

The evaluation of the faculty's doctoral education began in the spring semester of 2019 and was completed in the autumn semester of 2020. The assessment took place partly through a self-evaluation and partly through peer review by external experts. Student participation took place through the participation of representatives from the Faculty of Law's doctoral student council.The Committee on Docto - 2025-01-09

Health Law Research Centre

The healthcare sector faces significant challenges in the coming years. There is an increased need for research with legal elements within the otherwise traditional medical and social sciences research. Particularly worrying is the changing population structure, which is expected to have significant consequences for society, not least because the consumption of care for the elderly population cons - 2025-01-09


Opening hours in the library Monday-Friday: 8-20Saturday-Sunday: 9-17 LUBsearch Search among the digital books and articles available at Lund university. Databases A-Ö Databases useful in legal studies and research. How do I borrow books from the library? Library catalogue LUBcat Search among books available at Lund university libraries. Journals A-Ö Access to a selection of legal journals.  New s - 2025-01-09

Human Rights Law

Human rights law is a broad area of research that addresses and critically examines issues and problems arising in ongoing efforts to secure full protection of human rights in different contexts, whether it is in the workplace, healthcare, or foreign affairs, and in relation to different actors (both states and non-state actors, such as corporations). The research area covers questions of how to p - 2025-01-09

Integration and Law

A large amount of people applied for asylum in Sweden during 2015 and the subsequent years. In many cases, this meant the beginning of a gradual integration into the Swedish society. Integration implicate mutual expectations of inclusion into the society. Within the next few years, the amount of people with permanent or temporary residence permit, who have not obtained Swedish citizenship, are lik - 2025-01-09

Law and Vulnerabilities

Our research is based on two themes. We want to investigate how the judiciary treats people in vulnerable positions and how these people can make use of their legal rights. We are also interested in how the judicial system views individuals in relations to their context and to societal structures. One general inquiry is how the vulnerable subject is taken care of in regulation, organisation and tr - 2025-01-09

Law, Theology and Culture

The Law, Theology & Culture research environment aims to bring researchers and students of the the Faculty of Law and of the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies into conversation on topics that are of interest to both institutions. If you would like to learn more about the seminar series or if you would like to join the seminar's e-mail list, please contact Valentin Jeutner, valentin [dot] j - 2025-01-09

Legal History

Legal history concerns the continuity and change of law in time and space. Why has law changed and developed to become what it is, and could the development have been different? What are the similarities and differences between different legal systems, and what are the historical explanations for these similarities and differences? These are questions that are analysed within legal history, and th - 2025-01-09

Law, Evidence and Cognition – LEVIC

LEVIC is a cross-disciplinary research group with researchers from law, philosophy, cognitive psychology and statistics. Our research concerns legal fact-finding, especially criminal evidence. We investigate empirically how legal decision-makers (judges or jurors) evaluate evidence, and we are particularly interested in cognitive bias and probabilistic fallacies.We also do research that aims to im - 2025-01-09

Migration Law

We aim to address one of the most compelling political and legal issue that faces our society today – the obligation of states towards migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees. We are interested in all aspects of the challenges raised by the rights of people on the move, including their access to safe migration routes, access to fair asylum determination procedure, access to rights and integration po - 2025-01-09

Business Law in Europe – 15 credits

Business Law in Europe (PJA01) - online course Are you interested in doing business with EU countries? Then this is the programme for you! The programme consists of three separate distance learning courses, which you can also choose to take as a package. The programme is aimed at students, professionals, or simply interested in the European Union and European business law. No prior knowledge of la - 2025-01-09


General contact information and opening hours Press and media contact Find staff Distance and Commissioned Education and E-learningDoctoral studentsEducational servicesFaculty and department managementFaculty libraryFaculty officeIT and InfrastructureInfrastructureReceptionResearchers and teachers - 2025-01-09

Norma Research Programme

The Norma Research Programme is an interdisciplinary research environment at the Faculty of Law, and a research centre affiliated with the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN). The focus is on the legal regulation of everyday life and social integration at national, EU, and international level, and on labour markets, social welfare, ageing societies, and families.The research environment includes a - 2025-01-09


Hos studievägledningen kan du få hjälp med studieplanering och vägledning gällande exempelvis val av juridiska fördjupningskurser, studieuppehåll, tillgodoräknande av tidigare lästa kurser och information om olika stödåtgärder som finns för dina studier. Du är varmt välkommen att kontakta oss.Kontakta studievägledningenVia mejl: studievagledningen [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (studievagledningen[at] - 2025-01-09

Pedagogiskt studentstöd

För att få riktat pedagogiskt stöd måste du:vara antagen till en kurs eller ett program vid universitetetha ett dokument som intygar din varaktiga funktionsnedsättningansöka om stödIntyg och ansökan om stödFör att få riktat pedagogiskt stöd behöver du ett läkarintyg eller annat professionellt utlåtande som styrker din varaktiga funktionsnedsättning. Du kan även ansöka om riktat pedagogiskt stöd me - 2025-01-09

Ny student

Är du antagen till studier vid fakulteten? Så roligt - då vill vi hälsa dig varmt välkommen! Ny student på juristprogrammetVi har skapat en sida med mer information för dig som är antagen till juristprogrammet. Där hittar du checklista, kontaktuppgifter till studievägledning och studieadministration samt annan nyttig information.Ny student på juristprogrammetNy student på fristående kursMer inform - 2025-01-09

Terminstider och perioder

Höstterminen 20242 september - 19 januari 2025Period 1: 2 september - 31 oktoberPeriod 2: 1 november - 19 januari 2025Terminsstart för nyantagna studenter (termin 1): 28 augusti 2024Vårterminen 202520 januari - 8 juniPeriod 1: 20 januari - 23 marsPeriod 2: 24 mars - 8 juniTerminsstart för nyantagna studenter (termin 1): 15 januari 2025Höstterminen 20251 september - 18 januari 2026Period 1: 1 septe - 2025-01-09

Utbildning för gymnasielärare

Fakulteten har sedan 2015 gett kurser som särskilt vänder sig till dig som undervisar eller skulle vilja undervisa i juridik i gymnasieskolan. Vi erbjuder lärarlyftsutbildning som leder till behörighet att undervisa i juridik. Det finns också möjlighet att läsa sommarkurser. Våra utbildningar ges på distans och innehåller utöver ren ämneskunskap också ämnesdidaktiska moment. Kurser för dig som vil - 2025-01-09


Här hittar du information om aktuella stipendier riktade till dig som studerar hos oss. Det finns en rad olika stipendier att söka, både för dig som studerar på grundnivå men även för dig som kommit lite längre med dina studier. Du hittar även information om olika uppsatstävlingar som du antingen kan ansöka till själv eller där din handledare kan nominera dig.  Allmänna stipendier Advokatbyrån Sig - 2025-01-09